Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mom 1 Cats 0

The other morning while I was stumbling around in my bathrobe with a cup of coffee in my hand searching for my glasses I heard a distinct high pitched squeaking noise that I have come dread. It sounded just like the annual visitation of a bat. This is not an unusual occurrence in an old house (109 years to be exact) surrounded by massive maple and box elder trees. Of course there was my big old tom cat “Ollie” with his head in a corner and he was yet again holding something down with his massive de-clawed front paws….His head tilted at a curious angle. This is the exact position I found him in last year when he had indeed caught a bat. But to my relieved surprise what he was holding down was the tiniest little mouse I have ever seen. It wasn’t much bigger than the tip of my thumb and Ollie had it by the tail. The mouse was protesting vigorously!

“Great” I muttered to myself…”Ollie doesn’t know what to do with a mouse”…..But sudden genius came to me! We recently took in a stray female cat. She had a full complement of claws and had spent at least a couple weeks on her own before we found her. At least that is what our Vet thought…..For sure she will know what to do with a mouse! Excitedly I called her to the room. She came trotting in with her tail high. She went over to inspect Ollie’s prize which was still making quite a racket.

In short order a very animated game of Cat hockey with a mouse as the puck broke out on my dining room floor! Watching the mouse go back and forth from black paws to white ones I was thinking…”Oh they will kill that mouse soon” or “that little mouse will surely die of shock.” Neither of which happened. The game was well into the second half with a score of 0 to 0…It was time for the coach to step in because she was late getting ready for work. With my broom in hand I stole the puck from Ollie. I raised high my stick…I mean broom… and whacked the mouse dead with one blow. The shocked look of disappointment on their faces was unbelievable! A slap shot out the back door ended the game. The cats stalked off. Sore losers!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Joy of the Changing Seaons: Autumn.

The smell of apples and cinnamon is still lingering in my house after a weekend of making applesauce and apple pie filling. We pick our own apples. They come from a tree Rick and I planted in our yard a few years ago. Actually we planted three trees that year. Due to various problems (mice, deer, flooding etc…) only one of the trees is still growing. The tree is a Granny Smith. I found out today that a healthy well tended apple tree can produce 100 lbs of apples per year. I don’t think Rick and I will re-plant any of those lost trees. We have plenty from the granny smith.

Picking apples is the doorway into autumn. Even though I look forward to summer every winter I think autumn is probably my favorite season. Autumn comes softly. The kids go back to school. The evenings are filled with homework, football games and waning evening sun. It becomes chilly outside but cozy inside. Hot dishes are prepared for evening meals, hot beverages warm you up and sometime there is a fire in the wood stove to aid in the warming. The family gathers together.

Outside the trees start to turn…quietly at first only a yellow or an orange flicker here and there but soon trees become a blaze of colors. There is the smell of smoke outside from burning leaves (and our wood stove). My neighbor sells big fat orange pumpkins, perfect for pies or jack-o-lanterns. We have walked down the street to his vegetable stand with our girls for quite a few years to pick the perfect one! Neighbors don’t seem as rushed in the autumn. Someone always takes the time to talk…they ask things like” how do the kids like being back in school?” or “How did your garden do this summer?” and the inevitable “How about those Packer’s?” There’s more time to talk and be neighborly.

I love autumn because of its beauty and it’s slower pace. I love autumnal gatherings of family and friends. I hope you take time to find your joy in this new season: Autumn.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Storytelling and Words

My immediate family is a loquacious bunch. We do not get together as much as we used to but when we do we gather around the dining room table at my parent's home and the almost competitive retelling life's many adventures begins. My Dad and brother are especially good storytellers. It could be because their adventurous lives...or it could be because of their "colorful language" (much to daughters' delight) or ...maybe because I know that their words are not only stories. They are living expressions of life...part of my life.

Words seem to be just small units. They are made up of a few letters. Simple really...but the use of words in language and in communication are another thing altogether. I have been thinking about this recently.  Venues like Facebook and even this blog allow us to use words to communicate and tell our own stories. It is quite remarkable! Amazing things are revealed because of this new era of storytelling.... Love, laughter and fun times are forever stored on the world wide web as well as grief and life's trials.

Words are powerful. They can be used  as easily to wound as to heal. The lack of  the use of words is just as dynamic.  Imagine a couple enjoying companionable silence... compared to the same couple who aren't speaking to each other.Powerful right..? To me words used in love are more valuable than all the worlds riches.

Fortunately for me, my family uses words and story telling for love. I know Dad still "yells" at us once in a while. But his intention is love...a long time ago when I was leaving home to join the Navy I smartly told him..."You won't be able to yell at me anymore.." to which he replied" I only yell because I care....."  Thanks Dad. Thanks for being one of the best storytellers ( and yellers) I know....Perhaps I will journal a few of your stories here on my blog.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I don't always get to use the computer when I want to...I have two teenagers. And well I guess I got lucky tonight so after emailing a friend and checking out my Facebook page I decided to transpose the Joy journal entry I had scribbled down on a piece of paper in my tucked in my date book . Even if I don't post them here I try to write down my joys somewhere. Even a scrap of paper is good...I keep them in my date book and look back on them and smile when they come tumbling out like pieces of confetti! God is certainly abundant in his gifts.  

Earlier this month my church held it's annual VBS. That was my Joy! Teaching kids to watch for "God sightings"! We had "Pandamania"! We had 38 kids this year. That is a lot of kids!!! (joy!) We had a movie and snacks and bible lessons. The adults have a great camaraderie during the weeks leading up to and including the week of VBS...( I think that must be another God sighting!) There was lots of creativity among the adults to make the VBS script work and some of our video equipment work! In the end we (the adults) were exhausted and the kids had a great time learning about God and making new friendships.

 I love how the kids can put things into perspective for adults. There was a stray cat hanging around the church the first few nights of VBS. It was friendly and gentle but the kids were so preoccupied with it that it was hard to keep their attention...One of the older kids said to me, "He's so clean and nice... it is too bad someone doesn't just take him home...." Talk about hospitality and knowing how God wants us to treat others including His creatures!.......Well, we did take it home. One of my daughters wanted to name it Simon if we got to keep him....The vet recently informed us that Simon is a girl! No one has claimed her yet....So I guess she now part of the family. Our other cat Oliver lost his sister 2 years ago November. He is not quite sure what to make of her yet but he has been much more accepting of her than I expected. They actually touched noses today! :)

One last Joy ( God Sighting) I want to mention is that all week we had perfect weather for games outside. That in of itself is a joy but on the 2nd or 3rd night we had a little rain...Nothing to make the games come inside.  The rain fell at a perfect time when we had the kids in the "rowdy round up" at the end of the session....After the rain there was a vivid double rainbow! How perfect is that?! A rainbow at VBS to remind us of God's symbol for the promise He made to Noah to never again destroy the earth by flood. A promise that "God loves us no matter what!  Thank you God!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Dog Days of summer

Can you believe it? They are here! The dog days of summer…Those sweltering days where all you want to do is find a quiet spot and TRY to stay cool. The weather man said this morning that we have already lost 24 minutes of day light since June 21st (the first day of summer). Where does the time go??! I have already started some “back to School” shopping. Well... time does fly here in Wisconsin where we wait all winter for summer to come only to turn around and burn it up one weekend at a time with a myriad of different activities and social obligations. So in spite of the heat I can find Joy during these “dog days”. Hiding in my air-conditioning I have….Plenty of time to knit on my prayer shawl that someone unknown to me today will receive in the future…. Plenty of time to read a good book. Plenty of time for video games with the kids are always fun…..

These dog days are my mid-summer break. The garden is planted. The chicks are are now chickens and moved from my front porch into their coop. My kids are all done with their spring/ summer activities. Therefore I get a little me-time before all the busyness of back to school and harvest time. God’s timing is always perfect and for that I am grateful!

 To everything there is a season,

A time for every purpose under heaven ~Ecclesiastes 3:1


Sunday, March 27, 2011

The joy of cooking?

Today I made cut out cookies. Bunnies....hoping that it would make me feel more spring-like. I was planning on making this great homemade icing recipe I found at Christmas....To the cupboard I go for powder sugar. What !!! It is almost all gone!? No matter I have a 1/2 a can of pink frosting left in the refrigerator from another baking project; perfect for bunnies right?....Again... what? the empty can is left in the frig! Wait I know.....The kids were home all week on spring break! I ask Erin about the frosting....She tells me it is really yummy on toast! I guess I will frost the cookies tomorrow. :-) I have also been informed by Colleen that bargain brand hot cocoa mix needs extra powder sugar.... LOL! I am joyful that my kids are so sweet! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

The joy of seeing old friends!

A wicked winter/spring storm on Tuesday and Wednesday that brought thunder snow, sleet, wind, and many inches of unwanted snow found me working in an office space I haven't seen in about 10 years. The thought of driving 32 miles in bad weather turned the wheel on my car and I pulled into the Mercy employee parking lot Wednesday morning. As I walked into the department I used to work in all those years ago I was greeted with surprised smiles! After asking if I could work at a free computer in the "class room" I set up shop as best I could. Computers are wonderful..They make my work mobile...But old friends I haven't seen in years are a joy! I caught up with pleased as punch to be the grandma of 3.....Missy has 4 children now! Brian has 4 teenagers and doesn't feel the least bit sorry for me since I only have 2!!!! Gail is doing great. Jan has glasses but her smile and laugh is just the same. Connie and I had a nice chat! What a wonderful day I had. It was as if I never left....Maybe I never did! Thanks friends! I hope we always bring each other joy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Watching your kids sleep.

Isn't there something that just touches your heart and makes you all warm inside when you watch your little ones sleeping? That is Joy. I haven't experienced this particular joy in a while since both my kids are in their early teens.....But along comes Monday morning of Spring Break. I go upstairs to let the girls know that I am off to work. I stop dead in my tracks. That joy is back and just as sweet as it ever was. Their sleeping faces so beautiful and peaceful. Hair everywhere, blankets in a pile.... a beagle picks up her head and looks over someone bum....a little snore sounds from the other room....Kind of the same scenario over there too...blanket almost over her head...a soft voice says "hi mom" the spell is broken....I hand out smooches and say "see you later girls.... sleep a while longer....."  Zzz.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Joy of spending time with the girls and nature.

I just posted to my facebook page that I feel like "Supermom" today. It is wonderful when you get the whole day with your kids. Even though we went shopping we had lots of girl talk in the car to and from Oshkosh. After hair cuts and lunch at McDonald's we came home and enJOYed the wonderful springtime weather in spite of it being technically winter. The Waukau nature trail is beautiful this time of year. The trail was slippery and we had a good laugh as 2 of us took a header down one of the slippery slopes. Muddy jeans was the result of our troubles and Colleen found me a walking staff to prevent further problems (she was very kind about it too...)

After that we came home and we made chicken casserole and pistachio fluff. Rick was awake and we all ate dinner in the sunshine on the front porch.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today I find my joy in being able to come home after a long day. To come home to a loving family, a comfortable couch...Hot tea a box of kleenex....Yes I have caught a cold but I am joyful for all the comforts of home.

Looking for Joy

Continuing my joy journal during Lent for Monday there was a beautiful sunrise. Not the pinks and oranges we are accustomed to but a beautiful soft blue and lavender. The bare dark tree looked like dark lace against that gorgeous soft color. Then as I was driving to work I was surprised by an owl that swooped down near the road...How such a giant bird can swoop like that I will never know! I also spent my lunch break sitting in the sun reading a book. Then end of the day I got to talk to an excited girl about her upcoming play!!!She was very excited!

Today I am joyful for a good night sleep! A warm sunny day where I could leave my coat off and my sunglasses on! For being able to help my other daughter with her math homework and for 2 goofy dogs who begged for raw carrots and then ate them!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

For Friday & Saturday.....

One of the nicest joys of Friday was finding out that my friends in Hawaii were safe after a tsunami! Another joy and SURPRISE was that one of my co-workers called Spiritual services to have a chaplain come over to pray with us because one of our managers was also in Hawaii. I love it when people surprise you like that! :)
 My daughters and I went to the movies last night....What a joy it is to see a "chick flick" with your daughters!
  This morning I got to sleep in ( well 730 is sleeping in for me) Later I caught Rick watching cartoons with the girls. Mr. Magoo!!! I didn't even know he was still on TV. 
   In spite of the cold March wind today I finally spotted my first robins. A joyful sign that Spring will return! Rick and I had fun browsing all the different seeds for our garden at the store this afternoon. Sharing and enjoying a hobby with your spouse is a great joy! This afternoon I am sitting in front of my warm wood stove blogging and waiting for my bread to rise. Ahhhh! God is good  and Life is good!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

40 Days Worth of Joys.

A friend of mine suggested that for Lent I note my daily joys ..As I have said in past blogs it can be hard to see your joy unless you look for it with purpose. Then acknowledge and thank God for his many gifts.....So my joys today were these....The sighting of a petite gorgeous female cardinal at my bird feeder. A really cute snowman with an infectious happy smile sighted on my way to work....The fact that we had 6 inches of slushy snow yesterday and sunshine and temps above 32 today. I still get hugs from my teenage daughters! And my dogs greeted me with waggly tails when I got home from work.  :)  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Looking for Joy in the small spaces.

What brings you joy? Maybe it is quiet time with a good book. Perhaps it is getting outside and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Sometimes joy is celebrating a milestone such as birthday or anniversary. We have many joys in our lives. Sometimes our joy is overshadowed by the mire and muck of life which continuously drags us down. I know…I am trying to keep an online “Joy Journal” but it is harder than I thought it would be. It seems like I go for weeks and weeks without anything “Joyful” to share ….or do I. If I add up all the small joys in the past weeks I could say that in spite of record snowfall and cold temperatures February turned out to be a pretty joyful month.

First of all my church started a prayer shawl ministry. I have been thinking about this for some time but I just feel I am not the one called to lead this ministry..... Praise God!! He knows who should lead it and yeah for the one who answered the call! We are just beginning but our meetings have been very enjoyable and productive. My peach colored ribbed pattern shawl is already about 12 inches long. I encourage you to pray with me for the recipient of this shawl (eventhough we do not know who it may be) that it may bring them peace and comfort.

Here’s another joy...Increased daylight hours! Have you noticed how light it is in the morning now? And how warm the sun is when it shines through the windows?? My pets (a cat and 2 dogs) are always vying for that sunny spot on the floor in my living room. The sun is even warm when you are outside. My daughters and I have a new routine after church on Sunday’s lately. We take the dogs for a walk together. It is nice girl time for talking and enjoying the fresh air and getting exercise. Increased daylight also means I can start thinking about gardening!

Then there are the joys of seeing others enjoy themselves… Pancake breakfasts with your church family……Kids who land a part in the play ( the Big Bad Wolf) …Kids who finally got to see a certain movie with their friends….Dad’s who play their belly like it is a bongo drum early in the morning :) … old married couple who coincidently had the same day off from work so they decided to go out to lunch together! Grandparents who got an unexpected visit from their children and grandchildren……

Life is rough enough! Celebrate the joys in your life no matter how big or small…Every one of them is a special gift from God custom made just for you!

Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who have pleasure in them….He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered; Psalm 111 2 &4.