Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I don't always get to use the computer when I want to...I have two teenagers. And well I guess I got lucky tonight so after emailing a friend and checking out my Facebook page I decided to transpose the Joy journal entry I had scribbled down on a piece of paper in my tucked in my date book . Even if I don't post them here I try to write down my joys somewhere. Even a scrap of paper is good...I keep them in my date book and look back on them and smile when they come tumbling out like pieces of confetti! God is certainly abundant in his gifts.  

Earlier this month my church held it's annual VBS. That was my Joy! Teaching kids to watch for "God sightings"! We had "Pandamania"! We had 38 kids this year. That is a lot of kids!!! (joy!) We had a movie and snacks and bible lessons. The adults have a great camaraderie during the weeks leading up to and including the week of VBS...( I think that must be another God sighting!) There was lots of creativity among the adults to make the VBS script work and some of our video equipment work! In the end we (the adults) were exhausted and the kids had a great time learning about God and making new friendships.

 I love how the kids can put things into perspective for adults. There was a stray cat hanging around the church the first few nights of VBS. It was friendly and gentle but the kids were so preoccupied with it that it was hard to keep their attention...One of the older kids said to me, "He's so clean and nice... it is too bad someone doesn't just take him home...." Talk about hospitality and knowing how God wants us to treat others including His creatures!.......Well, we did take it home. One of my daughters wanted to name it Simon if we got to keep him....The vet recently informed us that Simon is a girl! No one has claimed her yet....So I guess she now part of the family. Our other cat Oliver lost his sister 2 years ago November. He is not quite sure what to make of her yet but he has been much more accepting of her than I expected. They actually touched noses today! :)

One last Joy ( God Sighting) I want to mention is that all week we had perfect weather for games outside. That in of itself is a joy but on the 2nd or 3rd night we had a little rain...Nothing to make the games come inside.  The rain fell at a perfect time when we had the kids in the "rowdy round up" at the end of the session....After the rain there was a vivid double rainbow! How perfect is that?! A rainbow at VBS to remind us of God's symbol for the promise He made to Noah to never again destroy the earth by flood. A promise that "God loves us no matter what!  Thank you God!

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