Friday, December 31, 2010

Inspired for 2011

My friends Ed and Jan have retired as of December 31st. (Hey! That's today!) One of the ways Jan intends to communicate with family and friends is through a blog....When she mentioned that to me I thought..."When was the last time you posted anything on your blog?" Today I looked...YIKES! JUNE??!

June was the last time. Anyone who know me knows it has not been the easiest year for our family....Things have settled down and I am praying and hoping for a better 2011.

I am sad to say I did lose my joy for awhile. Then I remembered that my joy can be stolen only if I let it be stolen. Joy is a light feeling in your heart that makes you smile on the inside as well as on the outside. Joy can only be found when you look for it. It is usually found in small things, the in between spaces and in remarks made by children.

If you have had a rugged year, do what I did..... Pray. God is faithful. That thought alone should bring you joy! So I make a new commitment to blog my joys throughout 2011. Hope my joys will bring you joy!
