Saturday, March 12, 2011

For Friday & Saturday.....

One of the nicest joys of Friday was finding out that my friends in Hawaii were safe after a tsunami! Another joy and SURPRISE was that one of my co-workers called Spiritual services to have a chaplain come over to pray with us because one of our managers was also in Hawaii. I love it when people surprise you like that! :)
 My daughters and I went to the movies last night....What a joy it is to see a "chick flick" with your daughters!
  This morning I got to sleep in ( well 730 is sleeping in for me) Later I caught Rick watching cartoons with the girls. Mr. Magoo!!! I didn't even know he was still on TV. 
   In spite of the cold March wind today I finally spotted my first robins. A joyful sign that Spring will return! Rick and I had fun browsing all the different seeds for our garden at the store this afternoon. Sharing and enjoying a hobby with your spouse is a great joy! This afternoon I am sitting in front of my warm wood stove blogging and waiting for my bread to rise. Ahhhh! God is good  and Life is good!


  1. Friday Joys: Tsunami warning sirens, praying friends, free coffee and PB&J at a local restaurant while we waited out the evacuation.

    Saturday: a visit to the local farmer's market with Ed, Wearing matching Hawaiian shirts, and an afternoon at the pool.

  2. I am glas that the Tsunami turned out NOT to be serious......Matching Hawaiian shirts sounds cute! :)
