Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Own Private Tea Party

It has been some time since I have taken the time to sit down to write. I have thousands of excuses-but in reality I have set aside something I love to do exchange for life’s demands. It is time to take back simple pleasure! MY pleasures.

I am currently reading French Women Don’t Get Fat by Mireille Guilliano (2005). One of the themes is that one of the reasons American women struggle with weight problems is because of our tendency to substitute food for other things….Things we might be missing. Simple things like simple pleasures. One of which is taking a little special time just for ourselves.

I am very guilty of this! Why with working 40 hours per week outside the home, being full time wife and mother, half time college student, transportation coordinator, keeper of the pets and a myriad of other things who has time for them self?!

Today is the day I make a change! I am going to take a few hours early on Saturday mornings just for me to write, have quiet time or whatever I decide to do. It is beautiful here this morning! A nice breeze is tinkling my butterfly wind chimes. Sun is dappling through the big box elder tree making a sparkle on the stone pavers of my front patio. A sassy little sparrow keeps scolding me for invading her territory. It is gorgeous no wonder she is upset with me. I took the time to make a pot of coffee in my old fashioned ceramic pot and I have set the table on the patio: place mat, coffee cup and water glass. I could be sitting at an outside café in some lovely vacation spot. Today a light breakfast and a little writing are what I decide to do with my time. It is like my own private tea party.