Sunday, March 6, 2011

Looking for Joy in the small spaces.

What brings you joy? Maybe it is quiet time with a good book. Perhaps it is getting outside and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Sometimes joy is celebrating a milestone such as birthday or anniversary. We have many joys in our lives. Sometimes our joy is overshadowed by the mire and muck of life which continuously drags us down. I know…I am trying to keep an online “Joy Journal” but it is harder than I thought it would be. It seems like I go for weeks and weeks without anything “Joyful” to share ….or do I. If I add up all the small joys in the past weeks I could say that in spite of record snowfall and cold temperatures February turned out to be a pretty joyful month.

First of all my church started a prayer shawl ministry. I have been thinking about this for some time but I just feel I am not the one called to lead this ministry..... Praise God!! He knows who should lead it and yeah for the one who answered the call! We are just beginning but our meetings have been very enjoyable and productive. My peach colored ribbed pattern shawl is already about 12 inches long. I encourage you to pray with me for the recipient of this shawl (eventhough we do not know who it may be) that it may bring them peace and comfort.

Here’s another joy...Increased daylight hours! Have you noticed how light it is in the morning now? And how warm the sun is when it shines through the windows?? My pets (a cat and 2 dogs) are always vying for that sunny spot on the floor in my living room. The sun is even warm when you are outside. My daughters and I have a new routine after church on Sunday’s lately. We take the dogs for a walk together. It is nice girl time for talking and enjoying the fresh air and getting exercise. Increased daylight also means I can start thinking about gardening!

Then there are the joys of seeing others enjoy themselves… Pancake breakfasts with your church family……Kids who land a part in the play ( the Big Bad Wolf) …Kids who finally got to see a certain movie with their friends….Dad’s who play their belly like it is a bongo drum early in the morning :) … old married couple who coincidently had the same day off from work so they decided to go out to lunch together! Grandparents who got an unexpected visit from their children and grandchildren……

Life is rough enough! Celebrate the joys in your life no matter how big or small…Every one of them is a special gift from God custom made just for you!

Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who have pleasure in them….He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered; Psalm 111 2 &4.


  1. Crashing waves and rainbows after the storm.
    Early morning lap swim/walk.
    New friends.
    Mail delivery.

    Everyday has joy. Our job is to acknowledge and enjoy it.

    Lisa, why don't you blog a joy everyday during lent and I'll respond with mine!
    Miss you!

  2. I miss you too! (hug) I think that sounds like a great idea! A perfect time for reflection!
