Monday, September 19, 2011

The Joy of the Changing Seaons: Autumn.

The smell of apples and cinnamon is still lingering in my house after a weekend of making applesauce and apple pie filling. We pick our own apples. They come from a tree Rick and I planted in our yard a few years ago. Actually we planted three trees that year. Due to various problems (mice, deer, flooding etc…) only one of the trees is still growing. The tree is a Granny Smith. I found out today that a healthy well tended apple tree can produce 100 lbs of apples per year. I don’t think Rick and I will re-plant any of those lost trees. We have plenty from the granny smith.

Picking apples is the doorway into autumn. Even though I look forward to summer every winter I think autumn is probably my favorite season. Autumn comes softly. The kids go back to school. The evenings are filled with homework, football games and waning evening sun. It becomes chilly outside but cozy inside. Hot dishes are prepared for evening meals, hot beverages warm you up and sometime there is a fire in the wood stove to aid in the warming. The family gathers together.

Outside the trees start to turn…quietly at first only a yellow or an orange flicker here and there but soon trees become a blaze of colors. There is the smell of smoke outside from burning leaves (and our wood stove). My neighbor sells big fat orange pumpkins, perfect for pies or jack-o-lanterns. We have walked down the street to his vegetable stand with our girls for quite a few years to pick the perfect one! Neighbors don’t seem as rushed in the autumn. Someone always takes the time to talk…they ask things like” how do the kids like being back in school?” or “How did your garden do this summer?” and the inevitable “How about those Packer’s?” There’s more time to talk and be neighborly.

I love autumn because of its beauty and it’s slower pace. I love autumnal gatherings of family and friends. I hope you take time to find your joy in this new season: Autumn.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Storytelling and Words

My immediate family is a loquacious bunch. We do not get together as much as we used to but when we do we gather around the dining room table at my parent's home and the almost competitive retelling life's many adventures begins. My Dad and brother are especially good storytellers. It could be because their adventurous lives...or it could be because of their "colorful language" (much to daughters' delight) or ...maybe because I know that their words are not only stories. They are living expressions of life...part of my life.

Words seem to be just small units. They are made up of a few letters. Simple really...but the use of words in language and in communication are another thing altogether. I have been thinking about this recently.  Venues like Facebook and even this blog allow us to use words to communicate and tell our own stories. It is quite remarkable! Amazing things are revealed because of this new era of storytelling.... Love, laughter and fun times are forever stored on the world wide web as well as grief and life's trials.

Words are powerful. They can be used  as easily to wound as to heal. The lack of  the use of words is just as dynamic.  Imagine a couple enjoying companionable silence... compared to the same couple who aren't speaking to each other.Powerful right..? To me words used in love are more valuable than all the worlds riches.

Fortunately for me, my family uses words and story telling for love. I know Dad still "yells" at us once in a while. But his intention is love...a long time ago when I was leaving home to join the Navy I smartly told him..."You won't be able to yell at me anymore.." to which he replied" I only yell because I care....."  Thanks Dad. Thanks for being one of the best storytellers ( and yellers) I know....Perhaps I will journal a few of your stories here on my blog.