Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sleep over …Oh Joy!

I’m sure that just like me you have had a busy week. Were you able to find your joy this week? It’s there. Sometimes it takes a little work to recognize it. Sometime we need others to show us the joy.

Imagine this …my youngest daughter asked me if she could have a friend sleep over on Friday. Oh, I can see some of you rolling your eyes! Lisa, where do you find joy in a sleep over? And better yet, why do they even call it a sleep over when sleep is seldom one of the activities? You know how noisy and disruptive sleepovers can be? I used to think that until this most recent sleepover.

Sleep definitely was not one of their activities on Friday. There was however plenty of eating (pizza, chips, soda, ice-cream…you know the drill), talking, giggling, playing Wii and board games. They even sent text messages to each other while sitting side by side on my living room sofa! While all that stuff was a lot of fun and they certainly made me smile, my real joy came the next morning…..

Something woke me up really early Saturday morning. It was well before 5 am. I thought I heard something outside. Turning up my super-sonic Mom ears I heard them whispering. A peek out the window revealed that I was correct. There they were, my “sleepover girls” sitting on the edges of my raised strawberry bed whispering and eating strawberries! What a sight!!! I found out later that they had played Scrabble all night and decided to go out to watch the beautiful sunrise and have breakfast. “Oh, Mom and the sunrise was real pretty too! All pinks and purples!”

“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy” ~Job 8:21 NIV

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